Download chrono trigger for sale
Download chrono trigger for sale

download chrono trigger for sale

Square Enix tried with "Chrono Cross", a game I have yet to play. Leonardo Di Vinci never made a sequel to that painting, how can you make a sequel to "Chrono Trigger"? A cartridge of "Chrono Trigger" should hang next to the Mona Lisa. Square Enix took a Dream Team of the greatest RPG names in the world at the time, gave them a limitless canvas to work with, and what was created was true art. Everything, from the cast to the exploration to the soundtrack was done with the unrepeatable flourish of a master's brush. There was nothing missing, aside for Schala's plot thread, which honestly is a minor B-plot. It was a perfect game, bringing forth its time-travel based storyline with clever originality and style. By the end of "Chrono Trigger", I could not conceive of a single failing, not one. I'm not talking out of blind nostalgia here, I only first played this game a few years ago on the DS, when it was able to hold its own against far more advanced games like "Final Fantasy XII". "Chrono Trigger" is a magical experience. And "Chrono Trigger" doesn't have random encounters. You can argue that games like "Final Fantasy VI" or "Final Fantasy VII" were actually better games, but they simply do not have the grand vision, the unequivocal balance of tone, difficulty, and story pacing that "Chono Trigger" has.

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This is the Concorde Moment of the genre, a masterpiece which has not been topped since. This is the classic of classics, a fantastic achievement in 2D RPGs, which I do not think will ever be topped. The craftsmanship of this game is beyond reproach, perfect pacing, excellent sprite-based graphics that hold up even today sixteen years later, a great simple battle system that can be picked up, played, and understood in minutes.

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If you're looking for an absolutely perfect example of a JRPG, this is it. "Chrono Trigger" is one the greatest video games ever made.

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